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Straight Double skin chimney flues for combustion fireplaces

Regular price
R 2,350.00
Regular price
Sale price
R 2,350.00

Straight Insulated flues for combustion fireplaces comes in a number of diameters, lenghts and finishes. These flues are compatible with all major brands of fireplaces.

Insulated or double skined flues are used between ceiling and roof tops to reduce danger of fires in roofs. can also be used when lenghty flues are needed in outdoor environment.

Infiniti Fires has done some research over the years to find the best quality flues to sell at affordable competitive prices. Bofill has been manufacturing chimney extraction systems since 1892.

Installation Tips:
Always use Stainless Steel on any part of the flue installation exposed to weather.

Ensure any flues which are exposed to the weather are insulated. This ensures peak performance on your wood stove and prevents water penetration between the joints on the flues outside.

Always install insulated flues in ceilings and roof spaces to prevent wooden brandering/beams from catching alight.

Rely on reputable installers and shop representatives to provide to the best of their ability, how to safely install a closed combustion fireplace. 

Please click here for product brochue

Straight Double skin chimney flues for combustion fireplaces
Straight Double skin chimney flues for combustion fireplaces